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Chasing dreams

A short story about the human spirit.

Think for a moment. Put yourself in the place. Imagine you have wanted something all your life, but you aren't sure what it is. You know your next step might take you to discover what that dream was about or get you lost and far from it. Would you take the first step without knowing where it would take you?

When Sabrina arrived in the US, she had, for the first time, the opportunity to explore and learn from some of the most talented and competitive photographers in the world. It was not an easy task without a network and without speaking English with the fluency of a first language, yet she kept going.

Sabrina has always been a perfectionist in her own way. Her curiosity was a key driver that led her to search for information, research equipment, look into techniques, and begin the path that would eventually lead her to obtain her certification and master's degree and become a successful professional capable of shooting full-time while not losing her soul and commitment to quality in the process.

Along the way, Sabrina discovered the work of several Canon Explorers of Light and attended some of Canon's workshops with them; she made a few friends and heard for the first time about PPA (Professional Photographers of America)

Many people choose photography as a hobby or to earn a side income, which are valid motivations for becoming a photographer. However, anyone who tries to make a living from it, pay a mortgage, keep up with the latest technologies, sustain their continued education, and make a profit soon finds it takes work to succeed in the field. Photography is an industry of either famine or feast, with little ground in between.

Besides the two motivations above, there is a third reason why some people become photographers, one that relates to our essential human spirit and is both, shared and personal: art.

In a sense, art is about communication and also about self-discovery. For Sabrina, photography is a medium to communicate harmony and balance, discover beauty, and share the perspectives of the world she sees with her images. That's what an artist does at their core. That is one of the reasons Sabrina shoots genres that are as different as portrait photography and real estate photography, and she is always curious about other types of photography, from landscape to macrophotography and now the possibilities of AI.

At the national level, Sabrina is now better known for her real estate photography, capturing clean lines, luminous composition, and the unique personalities of each home revealed by the choices of color, decoration, and furniture that make a home much more than just a piece of architectural design.

In that regard, there is a little-known aspect that is at the core of Sabrina's inspiration when working on the photography of a home, and that is the fact that she understands very well how many times a home carries such a strong emotional bond for the people—the families whose stories were written within the walls of that home.

Sabrina's childhood saw her family move from home to home often, sharing the reality of many families in the O&G industry, so close to all Texans. As the older sibling of five, Sabrina was usually the first to explore the new homes and bring her brothers and sisters around. The memories of those moments are very tied to the homes, the towns, and the places where all that happened.

Because children often lack other points of reference, their homes and the rooms where they played together are the places that anchor long-ago forgotten memories. And if it ever happened to you that you stumble over an old photograph, a Polaroid maybe, of your childhood, it all goes back to where things happened. Everything that happens in life happens somewhere. And many times somewhere is the home where you grew up.

So, while Sabrina understands that not every seller sees their home the same way, now and then, she knows that parting with their home is a very personal moment for some of them. She takes the responsibility of photographing their homes very seriously.

Photography is a curious art because so much depends on technology and technique compared with painting or sculpture, where many tools, materials, and techniques remain the same as centuries before. Every form of art is beautiful; none is to be considered less than the other; it is just that photography happens to be the one that took away Sabrina's heart.

Author: Emilio Castro | Published: March 2024


"I've been forty years discovering that the queen of all colors is black."

Henri Mattise; 1869-1954.

French painter and visual artist.

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